Filbert the squirrel made a big mistake when he went to watch the local baseball team play their biggest rivals. Instead of climbing up to his usual viewing spot at the top rail of the highest row of the bleachers he had to keep avoiding the ushers that were in charge of each row of seats. Filbert guessed that they didn’t realize what a big fan he was of the Mudhens because they kept shouting uncomplimentary remarks like…”Catch that pesky rodent!” and the most hurtful…”I HATE squirrels!”
Filbert was relegated to watch from ground level under the box seats along the first base line.
But by the second inning Filbert realized that there was one big benefit to being at ground level…lots of popcorn kernals were landing all about him being dropped by the fans in the lower deck. This was great even though he couldn’t see the game as well as he did from the bleachers.
But…Then, suddenly A DOG! Barking and chasing Filbert out from under the cover of the stands and yes…right out onto the field. The game immediately stopped and all the players and umpires started shouting and running after Filbert. They chased him down the first base line then jumped in front of him and made him turn left and head for second base where the shortstop actually threw his glove at Filbert.
The poor chased squirrel running for his life turned and headed for third base when he heard the fans yelling…”Go Squirrel Go!” That’s when Filbert realized that he was actually fulfilling a dream by “running the bases” at Cityville Park!
But as Filbert looked past third base he saw about a dozen players waiting for him , a few holding baseball bats. Oh My!
Filbert turned an immediate right and headed for the stands again and then along the edge of the stands and reached a small hole in the corner of the left field fence just as a baseball banged into it just behind him.
“That was close!” gasped Filbert as he kept running and running as fast as his feet could go all the way to his oak tree where he was finally “Safe At Home!
