“EIGHT…Where is EIGHT?. This is getting to be too much of a habit with him!” exclaimed NINE.
“I am ONE that agrees TWO!”
“That’s spelled Too ONE!”
“This is the FIFTH or SIXTH time he’s either been out of order or not here at all!” said FOUR!
“That makes THREE of us that agree TWO!”
“EIGHT! EIGHT! EIGHT! EIGHT! EIGHT! EIGHT!” That’s the SEVENTH time I’ve called him with NO ANSWER!” Grumbled NINE.
“Hey…is anyone lookin’ for me?” asked EIGHT.
A number of numbers all yelled “NOOOOOO!!!”
So EIGHT left and all the numbers that were trying to line up accomplished exactly ZERO!
A hummingbird was humming around
Making his smooth humming sound
While the canary was singing
Dulcet tones his throat bringing
Neither aware that the other’s around
Then the hummingbird sat on a limb
And the canary looked over at him
“Pardon me Chum Aren’t you the guy that can hum?”
“Yes and you’re the bird that sings on a whim!”
The canary felt somewhat dumb
Admitting that he wished he could hum
“Well I have no choice
I’ve no singing voice…
Oh I wish that I could sing some!”
“I’ll teach you to hum if you teach me to sing”
“Yes think of the joy we could both bring!”
So they each gave some lessons
But ended confessin’
That neither had learned anything!
“I guess I must do and I guess you must too…
Be happy for the talent we’ve got”
“So I’ll sing in the Spring”…
“And I’ll hum everything”…
“Can we be someone else?
I guess not!”
The kids were waiting for the morning school bus
All were happy without the usual fuss
Then a strange sight came down their road
A painted polka dot bus with a cartoon toad
It was wobbly and bounced as it came near
And it clunked and rattled loudly to the ear
The kids weren’t sure if they would climb inside
But they all decided that they just had to ride
The driver Dan was their regular guy
And he laughed really loud as he said “Hi!”
The seats were orange and the roof was green
It was the sillyist bus they’d EVER seen
But they all got to school safe and sound
‘Though some were happy to put their feet on the ground
But after they got off and looked back around
The silly bus was missing, nowhere to be found
The kids were still chatting about the morning fun
So the teacher asked about it when they were done
When they told the teacher about the very strange ride
She laughed and held up her SYLLABUS guide
The Treehouse by russ mckay
May 15
“Watch your thumb Erik” his Dad said as Erik was about to drive the last nail.
“There! We built it Dad!”
“Well…you mostly built it Erik…it’s YOUR tree house…I just kinda watched a lot.”
“Let’s go down to the yard and look at it!” Erik said excitedly.
They climbed down the slats that were nailed into the old oak tree and when they got down to the grass
they looked up at the handywork.
“It’s the greatest tree house ever Dad!”
“It sure is! Enjoy it and try to be careful. It IS a long way to fall.”
“I know…I will.” Erik couldn’t stop looking up at the finished project and soon his neck started to hurt.
Erik’s Dad had left and the boy hadn’t even noticed, he had been so enthralled at the sight of his “masterpiece”.
“Wait until my buddies see this!” Erik thought.
This would be the exclusive “boy’s clubhouse” with no girls allowed…EVER!. At least, that was the plan. It was way past twilight now and Erik knew that Dad’s rules said that Erik or any of his friends were not allowed to go up into the treehouse at night. Also either Erik’s Mom or Dad had to be home when he went up there. Other things like not leaving any food there and stuff but mainly it was Erik’s private refuge from the trials of boyhood and a few rules didn’t make it any less terrific.
Erik could hardly sleep that night and since it was Friday, he could spend all day Saturday in his treehouse if he wanted. He was thinking about which of his friends he would “honor” by being the first invitee and because he was so tired out by his home building labors he fell sound asleep.
The next morning before even the birds were chirping Erik was up and dressed and out into the backyard. His treehouse sure looked great in the early morning light! Erik climbed up the slats and crawled into his house. A gray squirrel was there in the corner looking up, and then left, then right and all around the interior of the structure.
“This is about the finest tree house I ever did see!”…said…the…squirrel???
“What?” exclaimed Erik.
“OK OK….I get it….I’m not deaf!” Erik held up his hand to quiet the squirrel. “Quiet the squirrel?”
“You….you….just talked.” Erik whispered in amazement.
“Ah…yeah…I guess I did…didn’t I?”
“Yeah….and you still are…talking that is.”
“Weird!” exclaimed the squirrel.
Just then a mockingbird flew into the open window and whistled. “Whew…this is some tree house huh?”
“Yeah, I was just tellin’ the kid….”
“WAIT! What’s goin’ on here?”
Two Robins were sitting on the window sill and whistling and nodding their heads. “Nice huh?”
“Yeah….real nice!” the birds chirped to each other.
Erik rubbed his eyes, shook his head then all the animals began to talk at each other all at once.
Erik put his fingers to his mouth like his Father had taught him and whistled a loud shrill “TWEET!!!”
They all nodded and looked at Erik as if waiting for the next command.
“You can’t all talk at once!”
Two more squirrels came in.”Hey Ted…what’s up?”
“Yo…Howie….some tree house huh?”
“Wait….do you mean that you animals can ALL talk?”
“Huh…yeah….I….guess we can….couldn’t yesterday….well….not to humans.” remarked the mockingbird.
“Well…not even five minutes ago….outside the tree house.”
“Wait here!” the mockingbird waddled out of the window frame and sat on the limb…“Chirp…tweet….chirp…” was all that anyone heard until she stepped back into the tree house.
“I was saying that I think….NO I KNOW….that this treehouse is magic!” the mockingbird said.
Then one of the squirrels went outside and could only chatter until he stepped back inside….”WOW!”
All of a sudden Erik was speaking to the mockingbird and his english language changed into bird chirps and the bird was shaking his head in agreement to what Erik was saying. Then as Erik turned to the squirrels he began chattering and they nodded in agreement also.
Then Erik heard the squirrel chatter “I’m getting’ hungry…gotta get goin!”
“Sure” chattered Erik and then chirped a goodbye to the mockingbird as she flew off to look for bugs and worms.
Then Erik was alone in his wonderful treehouse. And as he looked out of the window the squirrel in the next tree winked at him, chattered a long chatter but Erik didn’t have a clue as to what the squirrel was trying to say. The mockingbird winked too but Erik couldn’t understand the whistling and it sounded just like normal bird chirps to him now.
And believe it or not Erik was never able to communicate with the birds and squirrels ever again. But he would never forget that one special first morning at his tree house…and actually never told another soul about it …until now.
THE DISHES by russ mckay
May 10
It was 12:14 AM, later than usual when the Mitchells finally turned off all the downstairs lights and went up to bed. After a few moments…”Everyone….all clear…we may commence the evenings festivities!” The shrill, but very feminine voice of the porcelain “Majesty” pattern teapot announced from the dining room breakfront.
“Hey any of youse in dere seen Homer?” An earthenware pitcher called out from the kitchen.
“Naw but I did hear a huge clatter in the kitchen around noon!” responded a pepper grinder which had a marvelous view from the shelf above the stove.
“I didn’t shee noshing from where I wash all day.” said the cream pitcher with the chipped lip.
“Well he ain’t in the sink and he ain’t in the dishwasher….and…OH OH….what’s dem pieces I see in da trash….could dat be….” the earthenware pitcher moaned a soft moan and then went silent.
“Hey youse guys we’re ready to party!” the plastic knife yelled from the picnic basket!
“Well, I imagine we have to allow all utensils to participate in each evenings festivities.” The porcelain chocolate pot sniffed.
And indeed most evenings all the Mitchell household’s plates, cups, serving pieces and flatware shook off their frozen daytime personalities and had a grand get together in the kitchen. The sterling silver still tended to hang around with the porcelain dinnerware and the earthenware were more often seen with the plastic picnicware but all gathered for a bit of exercise and fun after a full day of remaining totally still. The plates spun on their edges and the cups twirled and all danced in their own style and the dish did NOT run away with the spoon as was reported earlier!
But it was a hard and fast rule that two minutes before sunrise all participants had to return to their rightful places.
Well one fine morning in June a porcelain porridge bowl and a plastic spoon did not get back in time and had to freeze in their positions in the very center of the kitchen table!
Mr. And Mrs. Mitchell descended the stairs…”What’s this! This bowl and spoon weren’t here last night Martha…we’ve had burglars in the house!!!”
“Don’t be silly Reginald…burglars don’t eat porridge! It’s just the utensils having fun!”
In fact, my first memory was when I was about fifty-five pages old and my protagonist had just been taken into custody by the police.
I had to keep reminding myself that I was FICTION and not to worry because there were probably hundreds of more pages to go to straighten everything out.
But I DO have story friends that didn’t have hundreds of pages and wound up bound along with others of their kind into a book of many short stories. But I digress.
I’m going to let you in on a secret here, I really wasn’t fond of my main character during those early pages but I’m just the book and have no control over the story that I am forced to tell.
I must also interject here. There are good authors and some not so good authors and we books can’t choose our creators but I am fortunate because I was lucky to have been given a good one.
When I was about ninety-seven pages long it seemed like ages before I turned the page onto ninety-eight. But I found out later that it is not uncommon to go through that as a young book and I went through those sort of stages many times until I was finished.
As I added pages I also added many literary characters and plots and subplots and I actually got quite confused myself as to who I actually was and where I was headed.
Just between us, I had a bit of wavering faith in my author many times but always was happy that at least I was not one of those SciFi books. They never seemed quite right to me even though there are a few near me on this bookshelf so I shouldn’t make too much of it here.
Things were going along smoothly until page two hundred and
Seven, Chapter ten.
My hero, main character, protagonist… died! My author
“Killed Him Off!” I was not ready for that, I must tell you.
Of course, I found out why my author did that and it made sense to me by the end.
And by the way “The End” is just the beginning for a book. I mean it is actually when you graduate and go out into the world to entertain the readers that will hold you and caress you and yes, also sometimes dog ear you or spill coffee on your pages or worst of all, make notes in your margins!
Which brings me to the modern challenge of E Books. Well, I don’t mean to sound aloof but does anyone really think that holding an electronic device is really preferable to a hardbound book with its tactile luxury and even library aroma?
The jury is still out on that I guess and I am a bit one sided on that thinking.
But the reason I asked you to listen to my story today, other than making my case for traditional printed and bound books is that I am so proud.
I am announcing today that have a new just born, ah first printing I should say…SEQUEL!
I’m saving a place on my bookshelf for it right next to me.
So in the meantime, keep reading and going to bookstores and library’s and enjoy real books and stories just like mine!
“Hey Drew…hurry up….you’re late this morning.” A muffled but distinctly gruff voice emanated from the blank page on cartoonist Drew Daniels drawing board.
Drew looked around but there wasn’t anyone else in his studio and indeed it was earlier than he usually started to draw his syndicated daily cartoon column of a dachshund that always seemed to be too short too long and in too much trouble!
Drew took a sip of his morning coffee and as he put the very first line down on the white paper with his black inked pen, the line began to move all on its own. Drew was startled! This had NEVER happened before…and how could it? It was IMPOSSIBLE!!! Wasn’t it?
“Listen Mister Smarty Pants artist…I want bigger frames…or at least wider ones…I’m too cramped in these skimpy ones you do!”
“Yeah who else…you really have limited talent you know. I always look the same, act the same…do the same stupid stuff…and I’m gettin’ sick of it!”
The line had magically and mysteriously continued to draw itself until the Doodley character was way too large and pushing his two dimensional snout right up off the paper and yelling at Drew even without the customary word “balloon”!
“I…ah…..I don’t have to listen to you….I can rip the page right off of the board and crumple it up and throw it into the trash….or….even BURN IT!!!” said Drew defiantly.
“Ah….not so hasty Drew….I…..was perhaps a bit too coarse in our discussion of my rights as a famous, well….semi-famous cartoon!”
“That’s better. But you must know Doodley that there are strict sizes for frames and length of cartoons set by the papers….so I just can’t draw anything, any size, any way…I want to.”
“Well….I’ve seen double wide frames on even some of the most famous cartoon strips. I look around you know….at the competition as it were….I don’t just sit there dead still on the comics page. I have my pride.”
“Part of your…ah….charm to readers is that you ARE long and short and seem to be tightly fitted in the frame. That’s part of the fun Doodley.”
“Not for me Pal.” Doodley’s outline had gotten smaller as he calmed down and he was almost back to normal size.
“You are just going through a bit of a time when you aren’t happy right now but perhaps I can fix that. Tell you what….let me draw today’s strip with a new idea that I just had and I bet you’ll be fine with it. But you’ve gotta promise me….NO MORE jumping out of the pages….EVER AGAIN.”
“Well….we have been together for a long time ….so I promise….but ONLY if I’m happy about it!” Doodley said, now completely back to normal size.
Drew finished the strip and in the last frame was Doodley smiling bigger than he’d ever smiled….standing right next to his new very feminine cute companion with the yellow bow “Doodles”
Money Talks by russ mckay
Apr 20
“George….how did you get that notch there near the corner?”
“Oh, that….yeah….zipper nipped me as she pulled me out to pay for a balloon at the Dollar Store. LOVE THAT PLACE.”
“Zippers…yeah….why can’t humans stick to the soft old folding wallets?”
“Progress…I guess. I hate those vending machines too, though I will admit they do help with the wrinkles you know!”
“By the way, I saw dozens of new Franklins last week when I passed through the First National Bank. I kinda like the older versions of those bills that look more like us don’t you?”
“Ah…progress again….but yes we’re more…classic…traditional…Abe.”
“By the way…I don’t really like going through the Federal Banks. I’m always nervous that they’ll examine me and decide that I’m too worn to stay in circulation.”
“Oh you’ve got a long time before …ah….I hate to say it….but you know….the SHREDDING!”
“Let’s change the subject Abe…oh wait is she gonna?…..yep….well…see you again I hope!”
“You’re gonna be with lots of friends here at the Dollar Store….see ya! George.”
“Gosh it’s lonely in here now that George is gone. I hope we go to the supermarket. I love being in those cash trays with lots of other Lincolns.”
Then a new voice yelled out….”Hey….you’re puttin’ me in the wrong….oh no…..”
“What are you doing in here? You don’t belong here this compartment is just for bills, legal tender, CASH!”
“Listen, I don’t like it any more than you do Lincoln….Might as well make the best of it….I’m Visa but you can just call me “VEE”!
“No “FOR SALE” signs. No Real Estate Agents. No Open House events with cookies and personal tours. (Love cookies by the way) But on the plus side, my new house will be free…NO MORTGAGE!”
Actually my “House” is more like a camper. I started out small with a shell previously owned by a snail. But I soon outgrew it and had to find a bigger one. I’m on my fifth home now and I’m getting a little cramped.”
“And by the way. I don’t mean to disparage molluscs, but some of those previous owner snails really leave a messy shell. I ALWAYS do my housecleaning when moving on.”
“Ah….there….over by the turfgrass. WOW…what a beautiful golden brown color with tiny dots of dark brown. Let’s see. Looks pretty clean in there. Has to be a caring Hermit crab.”
“UGH! Wouldn’t you know it. Just a wee bit too tight. That is indeed a shame. I loved that Metropolitan style of the shell. Oh Well…the search goes on.”
“But wait. There over by the path. That one isn’t quite as stylish but it is HUGE!”
“HELLO…Hello…hello” Man it even has an echo!” I’ll just do a walk through….Gosh it’s roomy in here.” I think this one is perfect…well, except for the dull grey color….but maybe that’s good for camouflage.”
“Oh I LOVE IT…I’ll just….WAIT….this thing is heavy….WAY too heavy. I don’t want to have to carry this load around all day and running? Forget about that!”
“Shame.” Well I guess I have to go to the last resort and see my former owner Mary. She released me back into the “wild” when she left for college.”
“Mary will be able to solve my “Goldilocks” problem.”
“How can Mary help you may ask. She sells sea shells by the sea shore!”
If you were a grape you might hang in a bunch
And some hungry kid might have you for lunch
If you were a grape maybe grape juice you’d be
You’d have to be squeezed but you would flow free
If you were a grape you could be a jam or jelly
And you might wind up in somebody’s belly
If you were a grape you might become wine
You’d be in a bottle for a very long time
Yes a grape has potential to be different things
Just like girls and boys that can be anything
Your potential is so great it’s simply amazin’
In fact I’m so old I’ve turned into a raisin