Cinder, now known as Sparky was finding that Springtime at the North Pole was a total BORE!!!
There were no flowers, no bees (which could be a GOOD thing) and no green grass, plastic or otherwise.
Plus Sparky had nothing to do because Santa was on vacation 364 days a year (365 if you count leap years).
One morning after Sparky rearranged his sock drawer and after checking to see if all snowflakes really were different, he was reading the “Icon Gazette” where he stumbled upon the want-ad section and immediately spied an entry that said…”Part Time Spring Job…(Free Eggs)”
The email address was…EB 1 @
Sparky dashed off an application citing his vast experience with part time excellence and listed Santa as his reference.
It was a mere microsecond until he got a response from EB 1.
“I always heard very good things about you Chum. Can you come to see me in Hutchville USA SAP?”
There just happened to be one leftover toy from last Christmas that just might be the answer to the challenge of Sparky’s transportation dilemma i.e. How to get from the North Pole to Hutchville USA?…
“The Super Dooper Rubber Banded Ejector”.
There were reports of windburn on cheeks from prior use but Sparky decided the chances were worth it if he could overcome the boredom.
Well…Sparky arrived with messed up hair and very red ears and cheeks but intact at Hutchville.
E.B. was there to greet him at the crash site wearing a blue vest with 27 pockets and a yellow hat with his two large furry ears sticking up through the side holes.
E.B. was of course the one and only the inimitable Easter Bunny himself!
“Nice to meet you Mister Sparky would you like an egg sandwich, or scrambled eggs or poached eggs or hard boiled eggs or chocolate creme eggs or…what?” EB asked.
“Just a few jelly beans if you have any around…thanks.” answered Sparky.
“Would you like red ones or black ones or yellow ones or pink ones or orange ones…or…?” EB asked.
“Ah…any color or flavor will do.” said Sparky.
So they had a nice little luncheon of eggs and jelly beans and discussed the job.
The very next day was Easter, so Sparky’s job was to begin (and end) that very night.
Sparky helped the Easter Bunny load up a billion dozen eggs and 20 billion jelly beans and tons of green plastic grass and one billion six hundred eighty million multicolored baskets.
It was quite a load but kept getting lighter all night just like Santa’s huge toy sack does.
In the morning at Jessie Starlingwig’s house EB and Sparky were finally done.
EB helped Sparky get fitted up into the Super Dooper Rubber Banded Ejector pointed North and pulled it back and let it go.
Sparky arrived at the North Pole with red ears and cheeks and messy hair but also with Eggs and jelly beans for everybody.
It didn’t take long for Sparky to decide that working one night per year was a very good deal and besides EB always did very well without any help and didn’t really need Sparky.
Just then Santa walked into the Elf workshop and asked Sparky…
“Where have YOU been all this time?”