“Hi…thanks for chatting with me. I almost never get to open my pages, feel warm hands on my binding and watch the hungry smiles on the faces of my adopted family anymore.”
“I guess my old recipes are too high in calories and take too much time to make. And also Mary, the young housewife that bought me so many many years ago, is now a Grandma, and I just don’t contain those popular “kooking for kid’s” recipes that are so popular today.
My spine is weak and I’ve got stains all over my pages…and admittedly there are a few tears and some “foxing” too.”
“In fact page 51 is completely missing but I’m sure that modern cooks aren’t too interested in larding game birds.”
“Actually, the last time someone pulled me out of the bookcase, the iPad wasn’t even invented yet!”
“Wait…who is that with you? He looks very intelligent and he seems to be looking at every one of my pages. What’s that he’s saying?”
“Yes Mrs. Jenkins I believe you have one of the rarest cookbooks in existence…and luckily, back there in the corner of the bookcase is page 51. With some restoration I think it will make a very important addition to the National Cookbook Museum.”
“So now…I’m completely restored and I feel young again. I have my own stand and spotlight and many interested folks are smiling and remembering when my recipes were being made.”
“Mary even came by to say “Hi” and brought her friends to see me.
I might be a very very old cookbook but I’m a very very happy one too!”