The huge green bottomed and white topped cauliflower slammed the gavel as he(she?)stood behind the podium. “Everyone…PLEASE come to order…let’s get this annual conference of the Y.U.C.K.etc allegiance started.”
“You down there…Miss/Mr. Kale….please give your attention to the podium…must we have to discuss MANNERS this year as well as our annual theme TASTE?”
“Now…the reason we are all here is the undeniable fact that MOST…thankfully not ALL kids… absolutely positively HATE the way we vegetables taste!”
“Yeah!!” a brussel sprout roared from the balcony.
“Today’s agenda is a simple one…the question is How do we improve the way we taste to children? The Chairperson is now accepting suggestions from the floor.”
“Ah…Sir/M’aam…what if we just tried to swim in lots of sauces and fool the kids?”
“You can’t easily fool kids…and we tried that two years ago and it hasn’t worked yet!”
“Ah…what about hiding under hamburgers or hot dogs or…”
“NO…they find us quickly like they’ve got radar or something…next idea.”
“Maybe we could spend money on a public relations campaign on tv kid shows.”
“Well…except for cabbage we don’t have any money…NEXT!!!”
“SUGAR!…We need sugar coatings like breakfast cereals have.”
“Hmmm…well…that might be the first suggestion reflecting serious thinking…let’s discuss this idea put forth by Mr./M’S Spinach.”
“Who shouted that from out in the back row there?”
“Me!” The sweet potatoe responded. “Most kids don’t really like me and I yam the sweetest and maybe the healthiest vegetable here.”
“Ummm…good point….so …anyone else have a thought?”
Then a large brown potato spoke up…”Ah…I believe that I’m in an unusual position of being both hated and loved by kids depending on how I’m cooked. If I am french fried kids love me…otherwise I’m not very popular.”
“Good point potato…So what are we to deduce from this conference of Youngsters Unliking Cauliflower and Kale…etc.”
“That we really don’t know how to make kids love us and that we should try to hang around with adults as much as possible!”
“Resolved…Conference CONCLUDED!”