“The chill has come to Norwich too soon this year. I suppose the pond will freeze and the geese will skate into their landings, although I don’t believe geese get embarrassed do they?”
“The blues and greens of our garden view are turning to greys and browns so quickly. Why must colors of spring and summer explode in fall only to disappear in winter?”
“We are so frail. Our temperate comfort window is so small and our earth thermometer so vast that it may seem as though we do not really belong here.”
“I suppose we all ask questions beyond our capacity to comprehend the answers if indeed there are answers. But I would be most interested to hear your reasoning on these points that I have covered. I shall be silent and give full attention to your expository.”
But Clyde, faithful companion for thirteen years was sleeping soundly, dreaming whatever dreams that romp through the mind of a Golden Retriever.