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THE DISHES by Russ McKay

It was 12:14 AM, later than usual when the Mitchells finally turned off all the downstairs lights and went up to bed. After a few moments…”Everyone….all clear…we may commence the evenings festivities!” The shrill, but very feminine voice of the porcelain “Majesty” pattern teapot announced from the dining room breakfront.
“Hey any of youse in dere seen Homer?” An earthenware pitcher called out from the kitchen.

“Naw but I did hear a huge clatter in the kitchen around noon!” responded a pepper grinder which had a marvelous view from the shelf above the stove.
“I didn’t shee noshing from where I wash all day.” said the cream pitcher with the chipped lip.

“Well he ain’t in the sink and he ain’t in the dishwasher….and…OH OH….what’s dem pieces I see in da trash….could dat be….” the earthenware pitcher moaned a soft moan and then went silent.
“Hey youse guys we’re ready to party!” the plastic knife yelled from the picnic basket!

“Well, I imagine we have to allow all utensils to participate in each evenings festivities.” The porcelain chocolate  pot sniffed.

And indeed most evenings all the Mitchell household’s plates, cups, serving pieces and flatware shook off their frozen daytime personalities and had a grand get together in the kitchen. The sterling silver still tended to hang around with the porcelain dinnerware and the earthenware were more often seen with the plastic picnicware but all gathered for a bit of exercise and fun after a full day of remaining totally still. The plates spun on their edges and the cups twirled and all danced in their own style and the dish did NOT run away with the spoon as was reported earlier!
But it was a hard and fast rule that two minutes before sunrise all participants had to return to their rightful places.

Well one fine morning in June a porcelain porridge bowl and a plastic spoon did not get back in time and had to freeze in their positions in the very center of the kitchen table!

Mr. And Mrs. Mitchell descended the stairs…”What’s this! This bowl and spoon weren’t here last night Martha…we’ve had burglars in the house!!!”
“Don’t be silly Reginald…burglars don’t eat porridge! It’s just the utensils having fun!”

“The Not So Gold…Goldfish” by Russ McKay

When she was born Silvia noticed that the color of her scales was different from those of all of her brothers and sisters. Theirs were golden scales and made them look  like golden rays of sun swimming in the large pond which Silvia knew as “home”. And most of the other older fish inhabiting the pond were various shades of yellow and gold too. Silvia was more like the color of the rocks along the sides of her home and she wished that she were a beautiful golden shade too.

Also Silvia seemed to always get blamed for any trouble that, especially her brothers, would cause. When there was a commotion, except for feeding time of course, it seemed as though every creature in the pond stared at just her!
Some of the frogs were gray and the slugs were grayish but she was a “GOLD…fish” that somehow wasn’t very gold!

Silvia tried to swim in the bright sun rays that gleamed into the pond hoping to capture the sun’s color but it just made her look  more  silvery. Silvia did notice that the other fish were sometimes confused and weren’t sure which “Gold” fish was which and called them by the wrong names. But everyone knew who Silvia was, but that didn’t make Silvia feel special. And anyhow Silvia didn’t need to feel “special” she just wanted to fit in and be one of the school.

At school one day Silvia found out that she and all her family were CARP. And then she found out that not all carp are gold. In fact, Silvia was technically a Hypopthalmichthys Molitrix or Silver Carp. Well, fish, even carp, can’t write or spell so Silvia didn’t much care what she “technically ” was. Then the rest of her school started to tell her how beautiful that her silvery color was and that they wished that they were silver too. Even the Koi started telling her how they wished that they didn’t have “all these spots all over” and admired her flawless silvery complexion.

It was then that Silvia decided that it was better to appreciate who you are, and be the best “YOU” you can be instead of wishing that you were somebody else. Quite often, that someone else, wished that they were you!


“May I Speak With You?” by Russ McKay

“Pssst….ah….excuse me….yeah you…the reader….listen he just left but he’ll be back soon so I have to make this quick!”
“What….who am I?” “Oh yes excuse my manners….I’m one of his recurring characters…he puts me in some of his short stories…and I was even in a poem or two of his. But anyway, lately he’s been a bit disappointed with the response to his web sites. He CAN be a pain occasionally but all in all he’s been pretty good to me as my author. I mean he doesn’t make me look TOO stupid and I do get a few chuckles now and then. I must admit though OCCASIONALLY I DO wish that he were a better writer. I think I’d have more of a following, maybe even a fan club, although with him I gave up on that a LONG time ago.”
“W…A…I…T….!!!….whew…he almost caught me talking to you. Luckily he forgot something and left again. He wouldn’t like me going over his head directly to you the reader….he is definately the only AUTHOR….in this household.”
“What I’m really asking is that if you could try to act as though he were a bit better at his writing craft then he is….believe me it would make life much easier for me and the rest of those characters of his.”
“Oh….here he comes again….thanks in advance for anything you can…….”
“Ah what Russ… I was just ah….thinking out loud!”


As the shells were cracking
The space grew lacking
We wanted to spread our new wings
It was hard to rest
In that tight little nest
Me and my four new sib-lings

After weeks of just sitting
Mom was off flitting
We waited with some sense of dread
Our mouths were held open
We’re always hopin’
We’d be the first to be fed

The grubs kept a comin’
Our Mom sure was somethin’
She could find food with the best
But as we grew older
My siblings grew bolder
There was less food and no rest

The eating’s not easy
Worms make me queasy
But you must never be meek
So I do my best
To live in a nest
Where I am just the fifth beak

I ‘d like a menu more varied
But when she got married
Mom’s motherly instinct took hold
And while I am peeping
It’s bugs I’ll be eating
But this food routine’s gettin’ old

The day came for flyin’
My siblings were crying
But I was up for the dare
Mom took me to the ledge
I looked over the edge
And said” Man that’s a long way down there”

“Go ahead try
I know you can fly
We’re birds…that’s what we do”
“I’m not scared of flight
I’m afraid of the height…
I’ll just wait over here ’til they’re through”

“Trust me you’ll like it”…
“I think I’ll just hike it
I’m hoping on hopping through life”
“You’ve just got to fly
And I’ll show you why
Just watch as I soar with no strife”

Mom flew through the air
Without any care
She circled about in the sky
I watched her in awe
And though I just saw
I just couldn’t, and wouldn’t, dare try

“I can’t see the ground
I might go straight down!
And I bet if I crashed you would cry”
“Oh sure you can do it
Put wings and mind to it
And you’ll soon fly well as I”

“Just flap your wings
God gave you those things
So we birds could look down on the rest”
I flapped ’round a bit
But then I just quit
“I… think I’ll… look down from this nest!”

Then Dad came along
Just finished his song
And Mom whispered and pointed to me
“It’s time to go son
You’re the last one
And we’ve other places to be”

He nudged my behind
And though I declined
It was over the edge I did fling
I peeked at the ground
Getting closer I found
So I panicked and flapped both my wings

Well wonder of wonders
The air that rushed under
Was lifting and turning me round
I moved this and that
Flapped like a bat
And soared up above that hard ground

I could go over there
I could go anywhere
Mom’s right, I could fly like a bird
“Look what he’s done
Aren’t you proud of our son?”
But ’twas I who had final word!

“Wow!” I extolled
As I flew barrel rolls
And waved my wings to the rest
“That’s no place for me
I’ve got places to see”
I bid happy goodbye to the nest


WHAT WAS THAT? by Russ McKay

The lightning cast weird shadows on the rain streaked window in Cathy’s bedroom. She was alone until her parents would return from their community meeting in town, but after all, she was twelve years old and very mature. Cathy had been alone for short periods of time before, but the storm with all of it’s sounds of thunder made things seem, well, a bit more loud and wet and just a bit more scary! “I sure would like to have a nice cup of Mom’s hot chocolate…ummm, and maybe with some whipped cream or marshmallows!” thought Cathy. Suddenly, there was a great BOOM!! outside near the house…and then Cathy heard the creaking and cracking sound of a large tree limb. Running to her window, Cathy looked out through the rain just in time to see a great limb fall to the ground and split in two near the back fence. The lightning crashed even more loudly now and the rain was splashing at her windows as if it were trying to get into Cathy’s bedroom and drench her! Then Cathy heard a loud BAM! and all the lights went out and her clock radio started blinking “12:00” Cathy tried to switch on her lights and turn on her radio but the electricity was completely out! Cathy was trying to stay very brave and calm but the more she thought, the more she started to become just a little bit scared! Ally, the family cat was under the bed and wouldn’t come out even though Cathy called and called to her. Actually Cathy wanted to hold Ally and hug her instead of just being alone,watching and listening to the fierce storm. Cathy jumped as the phone rang and she stared at it for a couple of more rings before she picked it up and pressed “talk”. “H-Hello?” she whispered. “Cathy…Dear…it’s Mommy, are you all right?” “Oh…Hi Mom…s-sure everything’s fine Mom…” “Well the storm has knocked down some trees in the road and the firemen are clearing the street so we have to wait for them to finish before we can get home…OK Dear?” “Ah…sure Mom…don’t worry…I’m a big girl, I can handle everything here…but Ally is pretty scared but I’m comforting her…don’t worry!” “OK…I’ll call back in a half hour or so.” “Ah…sure Mom…see ya.” After Cathy hung up the phone…”Maybe I should have told Mom about the tree and the electricity and …but then she would have worried and thought that I was just a scared little girl. But I’m NOT …am I?” Cathy laid down on her bed and looked up at the ceiling. Strange moving shadows were running all over as the lightning made them look a little bit like monsters flying around her bedroom. Ally the cat was still under Cathy’s bed afraid of the storm. Then, just as suddenly as the storm arrived, it miraculously stopped! The moon jumped out from behind the clouds and a soft breeze fluttered the leaves on the tree outside of Cathy’s bedroom. ‘The storm…is…over Ally! You can come out now!” It took a few minutes before Ally began to slowly creep out from under the bed and then into Cathy’s arms. Ally was still shaking a little…but then…so was Cathy. “See I told you everything would be OK!” and Cathy hugged Ally and Ally purred very loudly and cuddled into Cathy’s arms. Then Cathy heard the front door open…”Cathy…we’re home Dear!” Cathy ran downstairs and her parents asked…”Was everything OK Cathy?” “Sure Mom and Dad…Ally and I were perfectly fine.” “You mean that nasty storm didn’t scare you?” ‘Naw…we were fine weren’t we Ally?” The cat purred. “Oh…by the way…a huge tree limb fell in the yard near the fence!” “Cathy…my my…and you still weren’t scared…what a brave little girl you are!” “Well, actually, I’m a brave BIG girl!” “Yes you are!” Cathy looked at Ally and the cat looked at Cathy. “But I sure am glad that you’re both back home again…ah…safe and sound I mean.” “Were glad too, but I must admit we were kinda scared driving home in that storm and we’re so glad to be back with our brave BIG girl!” “Well…there might have been a few minutes…when the tree fell and the electricity went off that…I…thought…” “That’s OK…as long as you try to keep as calm as you can and then soon everything usually turns out all right!” “USUALLY???”


BURROW by Russ McKay

“C’mon…wake up Ezra…it’s nearly nine o’clock…too late to be early!”

“Huh…wha…Oh…OK Mom…I just wanna finish this dream…”

“You can’t finish dreams Ezra…and I don’t want you starting a new one…now get up!”

“Yes…M’aam.” The little chipmunk rubbed the sleep and the small specks of dirt out of his eyes and went into the main part of the burrow where his Mother was.

“The north end opening seems to be plugged Ezra…your Father didn’t have time to dig it out this morning before making his rounds. You’ll have to do it.”

“Aw Mom do I always have to dig out the openings?”

“We must all do our parts Ezra, you know that, so get goin’. It’s supposed to rain later this afternoon.”

“Yes M’aam.” Ezra made his way up the tunnel to the north end and indeed there was a stone blocking the entrance, or if you were inside like Ezra was, the exit! Ezra pushed and pushed but that rock was too big and too wedged into the entrance/exit for him to budge it even a “chirp”…which is chipmunk for “small amount”. Ezra tried three more times then huffed and puffed and tried once more.

To Ezra’s surprise the stone moved a chirp and then after resting some more, Ezra pushed with all his might and the rock moved a “squeek”, which is more than a chirp, and then it rolled away and down the hill landing next to the Blue Hosta. “Ah…WOW…I did it…I’m really gettin’ strong” said Ezra.

“I’m hungry, I think I’ll find a few seeds before I go back and tell Mom how huge that boulder was and how strong I am!” Just then a vol passed by and said to Ezra…”Ah, see you got that stone outta there!”

“BOULDER” Ezra corrected.

“Whatever…anyway the human has been out here pluggin’ up our entrances and exits and chasing us all over. And he’s been sprinkling powder and sprayin’ stuff too…be careful!”

“Yeah…I will…ah thanks Mr….what’s your name?” But the vol had already scampered under the Lilyturf and was gone. “I wonder if Mom and Dad know about the human.” thought Ezra. When he got back to the burrow Ezra told his Mom what the vol had said.

“Um…we’ll have to talk to your Father when he gets home…this happened once before and we had to move…I HATE moving!” Later that afternoon it DID rain and so Ezra’s Father came home early, his pouches full of seeds and after dinner the chipmunk family talked about their HUMAN situation.

“Hmmmm…it sounds serious all right!” said Ezra’s Father.”Some of the greenery did smell a bit odd today, but hopefully the rain will wash away whatever the human put on them.”

The next day the whole family was out of the burrow in the warming sunshine when all of a sudden a huge shadow fell over all of them! The chipmunk family looked up and there he was…the giant human standing right over them…one foot on the north entrance and the other foot on the main entrance. The family scurried around in circles not wanting to leave one another but knowing that they were all in mortal danger. But then a strange thing happened. The human was laughing and saying…”Aren’t you the cutest little critters I ever did see! Ha…yeah ya sure are…maybe as cute even as mice!”

His Mom and Dad and Ezra froze and just looked at each other.

“Oh wait, I’m sorry, am I blocking your door? Pardon me….sooooo cute!” The giant stepped away. “Yeah, I’ve got the perfect names for you two bigger ones, and I’ll think of a name for the little feller later. So cute!”

The giant human left chuckling to himself and the relieved chipmunks slowly got their lives back to normal, not having to move after all. And the entrance/exits were never blocked again and the chipmunk family lived a long and very happy life. For after all…that giant human, Mr. Disney, had made them famous!


If you recall the story “Young Santa” you know how Santa first met his amazing Reindeer but I don’t think that I ever told you how they got their individual names.
It became a distinct necessity when Santa first hitched them all up to the sleigh and then tried to direct them. “You there second from front left…pull a bit right!”
Well…as you might imagine, it caused some confusion and delay since the reindeer were all counting rows and lefts and rights to figure out which one of them Santa was actually directing. This could never be when flying and especially landing on tight and may I add slippery rooftops at night.
So Santa decided that each reindeer needed an individual name. So he lined them all up in the barn and interviewed each reindeer to determine their individual personalities in order to give them an appropriate name.
First was the most muscular and actually slightly largest reindeer that Santa wanted on the first row right. Since Santa was right handed he preferred to make right turns whenever possible.
“Let’s see. What do you like to do in your spare time?”…he asked the first reindeer.
“Well…I like to run fast whenever I can…if I were a human I’d be a sprinter.”
“Well…then I’ll call you sprinter!” decided Santa.
“Ah…Santa…that sounds like “splinter”…I HATE splinters.”
“All right…let’s see…how about DASHER?”
“Dasher it is. Next!”
Well the next reindeer clicked his heels…ah hooves….since he was so glad that it was his turn.
He could hardly stand still waiting for Santa to suggest his name.
Then Santa said…”My…my….you’ll have to stand still and stop dancing around so that I can decide what name is best for you.”
“That’s IT! Thank you Santa I love it!”
“Ah… Love What?” inquired Santa.
“Dancer…I’m DANCER!”
“OK….then …I…guess….who’s next?”
“Oh…Gee….I wanted to be Dancer….I love dancing and prancing around…I do it all the time…almost.”
“Great….then you will be PRANCER! How’s that?”
“Perfect! Thanks Santa.”
“OK….you there…”
Then a shy somewhat smaller and a bit prettier reindeer stepped to the front and in a gentle voice asked “ME?”
“I have the right name for you since you are female how about…VIXEN?”
“Hmmm…a female fox is named that…and they are very cute…OK thank you Santa.”
Suddenly a reindeer instantly appeared right in front of Santa in a flash.
“Wow…you are quick as a flash…you should be named….something quick and flashy…COMET! How’s that?”
“Yes…yes…yes…COMET…that’s me!”
“Hey this is going pretty well” said Santa complimenting himself.
Then Santa realized that he shouldn’t have been so quick to brag, which as we all know is not a good thing to do anyway, because he had a very difficult time with the very next Reindeer.
He didn’t have any hobbies and none of his personal skills suggested a name. Santa even asked for suggestions from the named and as yet un-named reindeer and nothing seemed to fit.
Santa thought and thought…”Ah…when were you born?”
“Ah…two winters ago.”
“No I mean what date!”
“On February 14th Santa.”
“That’s it…you will be…CUPID!”
“Cupid…yeah…I like it!”
“Next! You will be in the next to last row on the left…. but I think that I am running out of names. By the way…who else is left.”
“I am Sir…me and one other… OH….and that strange nosed reindeer out there under the tree.”
“Well…I’ve only got to name you two today…any ideas?”
“The next to last reindeer said …”When I was a baby…I would run so fast even Mom couldn’t catch me and she said that I “Ran like Lightning!”
“PERFECT” exclaimed Santa…you are Blitzen…that’s a Germanic word for Lightning.”
Then Santa turned to the very last reindeer…”So little fellow I guess that makes you Donner the Germanic word for Thunder. But Mrs. Claus HATES thunder so we’ll make you DONDER and she won’t even know that we have a little secret about “Thunder and Lightning” so you will be to the left of Blitzen in the last row right in front of me.”
And after some jostling about… there was Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen…Comet and Cupid and Donder and Blitzen all in their proper position and enjoying every moment.
Then Santa turned and whistled loudly toward the open field to the reindeer under the tree.
“RUDOLPH…come over here and join us at the front…and light up that headlight nose of yours!
Rudolph galloped over realizing not only was he NOT left out but actually would be the leader of all the reindeer in the very front of Santa’s sleigh!
But Rudolph did wonder where Santa came up with that name!



NEW SHOES by Russ McKay

Little Billy Johnson needed a pair of new shoes. Billy often needed them because his feet would sweat like a waterfall and not just in the summertime, although it WAS worse then. Billy’s Mom always supplied him with a large shaker topped bottle of talcum powder to absorb the wetness and hopefully prevent unpleasant orders emitting from those extremities of Billy’s anatomy.
Since he lived in a small town, Mr. Ned’s Shoe Store and Emporium was within walking distance of Billy’s home. Well, actually EVERYTHING was within walking distance in Corner’s Bluff.
So after a good shower and after slipping on clean white socks Billy talcum powdered the interior of his old pitiful looking shoes. A light dusting just wouldn’t do for these worn out Weejuns since Mr. Ned’s nose was going to be closer than any nose should be to Billy’s “Straight into the trash!” shoes. Billy removed the shaker top and poured a generous amount of neutralizing talc into each shoe. “That outta do it!”…Billy thought, after more than half of the container was poured rather equally into the left then the right shoe.
Billy put on his gray T shirt and his new black jeans and then stepped into his shoes for the last time. As Billy stepped into each of them, a small burst of powder pouffed up the outsides of each shoe and onto the cuff of his jeans leaving a ghostly white tracing that looked like a Strato-cumulus cloud, which Billy was studying about in fifth grade.
“COOL!” thought Billy and he left the house headed for the shoe store.
Billy wore shoes out so often that his parents had an account at Mr. Ned’s and as Billy walked down Main Street onlookers were pointing at him and chuckling to each other. When Billy looked down at his shoes he saw that the bottom of his pants were almost completely white and each step generated another cumulus display spurting from the sides of each shoe.
By the time he arrived at his destination a crowd had formed to watch his volcanic shoe displays and Billy quickly slipped into the sanctity of the shoe store!
“Ah…Hi there…Billy…” Mr. Ned tried his best not to laugh at Billy’s white and black jeans as Billy puffed his way to a seat.
“A new pair of Weejuns?” Mr. Ned was confirming the obvious rather than actually asking a question.
“Yes Sir…Cordovan!”
Mr. Ned removed the right shoe first and a puff of talc rose into the air, the proprietor turning his head away from the white storm.
Then as Mr. Ned held the shoe as far from his nose as his arm would reach, using only the very tips of his fingers, a cascade of worn talc poured out and formed a pointed pile on the carpeted floor.
The Emporium owner repeated the same procedure with the left shoe. Looking at the two equal piles of talc that had formed on the floor in front of Billy Mr. Ned said…”I’ll get to those later.” Then holding both shoes as delicately as possible Mr. Ned carried them to the wastebasket and dropped them straight down and in!
After fitting Billy with a brand new pair of Cordovan Weejuns Mr. Ned said “OK Billy…I think that does it!”
“Thanks Sir …and could you add one more thing to the bill?”
“What’s that Billy?”
“A new bottle of talc…we’re out!”



“Shhhh….hey hold it down….Tommy is not quite asleep yet.”
“How about now….I got this great idea….”
“NO…shhhh…just a few more seconds…..ah….OK Now…WHAT was such a great idea that it just couldn’t keep?”
“Well…Tommy’s dog Brownie gets lost and Tommy finds him in the woods stuck in a trap and frees him.”
“Naw…we did that one …let’see..last…..September….the….ah….18th….remember?”
“No….not really but then I’m not a memory cell just a dreamaker cell.”
“Yeah well….that’s the greatest cell to be in a brain. Those memory cells never have any fun unless Tommy has fun…but us….we’re different…we make our own fun for Tommy.”
“Yeah…I guess you’re right…I wouldn’t like being a memory cell at all.”
“OH NO!!!”
“Here comes that awful nightmare cell….hurry….let’s give Tommy a fun dream….QUICK!!!”
“ICE CREAM STORE….where everything is free!!!!”
“Yeah….and you don’t get sick no matter how much ice cream you eat!”
“Yeah….good one …GO….HURRY…and NO BRAIN FREEZES either.”
“So….you GOODY GOODY DREAMAKERS gettin’ ready to give the kid a dream?”
“Ah…well sorry…Horribulis…we already took care of it…you’re just a bit late tonight!”
“DRAT! I’m not gonna be late tomorrow night….and if Tommy tries to take a nap in the afternoon he’ll have the worst daymare he’s EVER had!” Horribulis left in quite a huff!
“What a grumpy cell….I’m glad he’s gone.”
The next morning Tommy woke up with a big smile on his face and his dog Brownie was smiling too!


FISHING by Russ McKay

“I don’t know why I sit here, hour after hour on this uncomfortable bank…wetting my line. That’s really all I’m doing! I just might be the worst fisherman EVER! It IS relaxing, actually it’s boring if truth be told. And with the cost of the rod and reel, the bait, these waders that I never use and the vest. I DO love the vest though with all the pockets and little loops for the flys, the khaki “Ernest Hemmingway” look of it. He was a FISHERMAN…” THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA” , but he was more of a BILL fisherman. He’d never sit on a muddy bank like this for hours on end and then make a stop by the fishmarket on the way home to salvage at least SOME of his masculine dignity…no he’d NEVER do that.”


“This hook is KILLIN’ me! It really hurts and it’s very restrictive too. I just KNOW I’m gonna drown! I just know it! But does HE care? NO, I DON’T THINK SO!…he just sits there all relaxed, NOT in pain…NOT drowning…and these pesky fish scare me, bumping into me with their lips, I guess they are lips. I don’t think I can take much more of this. If the idiot had just…kinda…cut me in two at least half of me could go on my merry way…BUT NO!!! He wants me to wriggle …well I’ve got news for him…I AIN’T wrigglin’. If I, perish the thought, play “dead” these stupid fish won’t even notice me and jerkface there might reel me back in and replace me with cousin Harvey… HATE that worm…and throw me away on that beautiful muddy bank. Well, that’s my plan and I’m stickin’ to it!!!”


“Look at that dufus up there on the bank. What does he think…we’re STUPID or somethin’? I mean, even a smelt wouldn’t fall for that old “worm on the hook” trick. He didn’t even put the bait on properly…look you can clearly see the point stickin’ through that ugly unappealing earthworm. I mean, it practically takes your appetite away! Excuse me a second there’s a Mayfly on the surface…”GULP!”…got ‘em! Love it! Well anyhow, I think it’s an affront to all of us fish the way some of these “sport” fishermen show such utter disrespect for our intellengence don’t you Charlie…ah…Charlie? Where are you…OH NO!…Charlie…how could you???”
