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Now don’t get me wrong here…Santa is definitely not the superstitious type. However, and I’m not sure he wants everyone to know about this: he does have one little itsy bitsy quirk about flying that he is 100% convinced brings him good luck 100% of the time.
Before I tell you all exactly what it is however, please allow me to start at the very beginning.
It was so long ago that even Santa can’t remember the year. He had rigged his first sleigh and hitched up the reindeer(with the help of the “stable Elves” which includes me, your story teller for today, Marcellus….but just call me Marc)
Mrs. Claus could sense that he was nervous and brought him a nice hot cup of Chamomile Tea with a drop of honey.
“Why thank you Eve.” Santa said to her and gave her a big hug. Santa hates Chamomile Tea by the way, but he drank it down in just three gulps smiling all the while.
Mrs. Claus walked Santa out to the sleigh and gave him a kiss on one of his apple red cheeks and wished him a good flight. And without Santa knowing it Mrs. Claus slipped something into his left outside pocket.
It wasn’t until Santa was airborne and had leveled off headed South (remember EVERYTHING is South of the North Pole)he reached into his pocket and felt a small object that he knew that he hadn’t put there.
Would you like to take a guess as to what it was?

All good guesses but actually it was a very small and very well crafted golden pair of lucky wings made secretly by the workshop elves and every year Santa makes sure that the wings are in his left pocket before he takes off to fly to your house.

“They Call Me Stormy” (Episode 3)


“Th…Th…The BAD news?” I stuttered.
“Well there is some bad news about living here but most of the time it’s manageable.”
Toucie continued. “You see we are in the Tropics and so we have a very very long growing season and no freezing winters that animals have to migrate from. So we get the desirables…like us of course…and well…the UNdesirables too.”
Just then, out of the corner of my eye I saw a rather large cat like creature sneaking and slowly creeping very low to the ground, staring unblinkingly at me and getting closer and closer with its large, sharp, pointy teeth showing.
“Ah…..there……ah…” I tried to shout a warning to the group of my new friends but I was so scared that all that came out of my bill was a squeaky honk.
Toucie saw the look of terror in my eyes and quickly turned in the direction of my fearful stare.
Then she chuckled.”Ha…that’s Cougie the Cougar…he’s just trying to look fierce to scare you, but don’t worry…Coogie has been harmless every since he became a vegetarian!”
The Cougar immediately stood up fully and started to act more like a house cat or kitten even.
“Huh….oh….yeah….well never hurts to keep in practice.” Cougie said somewhat embarassed by being caught using his scary prowl tactics. Then he said to me.
“You’re new! Never seen a bird like you around these parts.”
“Hi I’m…Stormy…I’m a Canada Gander.”
“From Canada eh…I’ve heard of there.”
“Well…to tell the truth Canadian Lakes Michigan…I’ve never actually been to Canada. Could have flown there but never have.”
Cougie held out his paw with his claws retracted to shake paw and wing with me.
“Glad to meet you…although you had me scared there for a bit!” I confessed.
“I did? I did huh…still got it!” Cougie puffed out his chest and pranced around me in a circle then suddenly… “ROAR!!!!”
I jumped and flapped my wings which is a natural reaction of ganders in that kind of situation.
“COUGIE you stop that this instant you hear…Stormy doesn’t know you are just showing off.” Toucie had her beak right in Cougie’s face and the cougar slumped down and actually rolled onto his side away from Toucie.
“Now say you’re sorry to Stormy!”
“I’m sorry Stormy…I really am.” Cougie got back up on his four paws again.
“That’s OK…I just never saw a Cougar before, let alone got close to one. Cougie, I guess your instinct to act like that is hard to get rid of.” I sympathized.
“Oh we don’t want him to get rid of his scary nature. Cougie is our protection from those UNdesirables that I mentioned awhile ago.” explained Toucie.
“Oh goodness. All of this socializing and we’re late for our afternoon snack. We usually gather here under the Jacaranda Tree.” said Toucie.
“You all meet here every day and eat a snack together?” I asked, thinking to myself that it sounded like a fine idea.
“Unless it’s Stormy! Oh….I didn’t mean….” Maggie was embarassed but all the others were snickering.
“From now on it seems it’ll be Stormy EVERYDAY!” Toucie chimed in and we all laughed. But I was happy about the fact that they all thought and accepted that I would be there EVERYDAY!


“I’m really getting full already and it’s only…I have to wait until he stops shaking his head so that I can see the clock…ah….yeah…WOW 6:46 AM… that’s a new record.”
“You know some of this stuff he throws away isn’t all that bad. This one about the five legged cat is pretty good…oh but wait…um… dangling participle in that second paragraph and inconsistant tense…and….yeah…he was right to chuck that one.”
“Oh what’s the use he can’t hear me anyhow. What was that last one about?”
“A two headed cow that argues with himself constantly…he’s into the “weird animal syndrome” again. Didn’t work before…LAST FIVE TIMES!”
“I wonder if I can get moved to the spare bedroom so I can finally get some sleep. Naw…won’t happen. He likes the fact that I look like a basketball goal and I guess my decor won’t integrate into that lilac and pink bedroom anyway. I’m doomed!”
“Hey…you know what…I just noticed? It’s been 14 minutes since he’s trashed me with a reject wad and he’s been typing like crazy.
You don’t suppose…Naw couldn’t be…but then….he’s still at it. Do you think….”
“He’s jumping up and down and whooping…you know I think he actually finished writing something…He’s holding the pages…let me see if I can….OH JUST TURN THEM TO THE LEFT A BIT SHAKESPEARE SO I CAN SEE…”
“Well…I’ll be…there’s the title…”SILLY GRANDPA’S WASTEPAPER BASKET!”



One day in the jungle just before noon Herb the Macaw, and Carni the Eagle and Omni the Toucan decided to fly over to the Amazon Cafe for lunch.
Herb was of course a herbivore and only ate plants and veggies, so he ordered the Arugula Salad. Carni was a carnivore and only ate meat so he ordered the Steak (very rare) and finally, Omni was an omnivore and ate just about ANYTHING.
Well all of their meals were delivered to the table and as Herb and Carni were chatting Omni ate their lunch and also his own too!
The three really liked each other but Herb and Carni decided that in the future they would meet with Omni AFTER LUNCH!


Y.U.C.K. by Russ McKay

The huge green bottomed and white topped cauliflower slammed the gavel as he(she?)stood behind the podium. “Everyone…PLEASE come to order…let’s get this annual conference of the Y.U.C.K.etc allegiance started.”
“You down there…Miss/Mr. Kale….please give your attention to the podium…must we have to discuss MANNERS this year as well as our annual theme TASTE?”
“Now…the reason we are all here is the undeniable fact that MOST…thankfully not ALL kids… absolutely positively HATE the way we vegetables taste!”
“Yeah!!” a brussel sprout roared from the balcony.
“Today’s agenda is a simple one…the question is How do we improve the way we taste to children? The Chairperson is now accepting suggestions from the floor.”
“Ah…Sir/M’aam…what if we just tried to swim in lots of sauces and fool the kids?”
“You can’t easily fool kids…and we tried that two years ago and it hasn’t worked yet!”
“Ah…what about hiding under hamburgers or hot dogs or…”
“NO…they find us quickly like they’ve got radar or something…next idea.”
“Maybe we could spend money on a public relations campaign on tv kid shows.”
“Well…except for cabbage we don’t have any money…NEXT!!!”
“SUGAR!…We need sugar coatings like breakfast cereals have.”
“Hmmm…well…that might be the first suggestion reflecting serious thinking…let’s discuss this idea put forth by Mr./M’S Spinach.”
“Who shouted that from out in the back row there?”
“Me!” The sweet potatoe responded. “Most kids don’t really like me and I yam the sweetest and maybe the healthiest vegetable here.”
“Ummm…good point….so …anyone else have a thought?”
Then a large brown potato spoke up…”Ah…I believe that I’m in an unusual position of being both hated and loved by kids depending on how I’m cooked. If I am french fried kids love me…otherwise I’m not very popular.”
“Good point potato…So what are we to deduce from this conference of Youngsters Unliking Cauliflower and Kale…etc.”
“That we really don’t know how to make kids love us and that we should try to hang around with adults as much as possible!”
“Resolved…Conference CONCLUDED!”


“Pssst….ah….excuse me….yeah you…the reader….listen he just left but he’ll be back soon so I have to make this quick!”
“What….who am I?” “Oh yes excuse my manners….I’m one of his recurring characters…he puts me in some of his short stories…and I was even in a poem or two of his. But anyway, lately he’s been a bit disappointed with the response to his web sites. He CAN be a pain occasionally but all in all he’s been pretty good to me as an author. I mean he doesn’t make me look TOO stupid and I do get a few chuckles now and then. I must admit though OCCASIONALLY I DO wish that he were a better writer. I think I’d have more of a following, maybe even a fan club, although with him I gave up on that a LONG time ago.”
“W…A…I…T….!!!….whew…he almost caught me talking to you. Luckily he forgot something and left again. He wouldn’t like me going over his head directly to you the reader….he is definitely the only AUTHOR….in this household.”
“What I’m really asking is that if you could try to act as though he were a bit better at his writing craft then he is….believe me it would make life much easier for me and the rest of those characters of his.”
“Oh….here he comes again….thanks in advance for anything you can…….”
“Ah… what Russ ?…..No I was just… ah….thinking out loud!”


To the real, normal, everyday (boring) world, Mr. Jason Worthington seemed like a jolly mature and quite retired gentleman. Oh, he had eight wonderful Grandchildren who thought that he was silly on occasion but otherwise he was widely known as just…well, “Papa”.
But there was a well guarded secret that “Papa” kept only to himself.
Under his various colored knit Polo shirts and an occasional Tommy Bahama flowered Hawaiian style shirt he always wore the body hugging T shirt with the Purple Shield and the large golden capital “G”.
For you see, unbeknownst to his family and friends and neighbors, Papa was secretly “The Amazing Grandpaman!”
Papa read the news every morning in the local newspaper app on his iPad, and he would keep a well tuned ear as he walked his neighborhood for exercise each day, for any occurrence or injustice which he might perceive that he could either correct or at least improve by his stealthy actions.
He would of course upright fallen trash cans on collection day and pick up blowing trash along the street as he made his way through his community but he was always looking for the “Big Help” as he called it.
One gray morning in June he was walking his usual neighborhood route and suddenly saw something that made him instantly stop and dash behind the huge oak tree in front of the Chandler’s house.
A man was climbing out of the side window with a bulging sack. Papa knew that the Chandler’s were at their Daughter’s house in Ohio and so he naturally surmised that indeed…This was a job for GRANDPAMAN!
He crept behind the Chandler’s tall hedges and removed his “ELON” hooded sweatshirt (his youngest son graduated from that University) and put on his Golden mask and coiled up his rather mature body, ready to leap out and strike as the presumed burglar passed by.
And as the burglar was creeping past, Papa jumped out from behind the oak tree and tripped the perpetrator causing him to fall to the ground and drop his sack of stolen goods.
The burglar was so stunned that he stuttered “What…” and then tried to fight free of Papa’s firm grasp. But Papa also always carried a length of rope and an iPod with him on his walks and although the iPod isn’t effective at fighting crime, the rope is the perfect accessory to detain criminals…alleged criminals that is, and so Papa applied the rope using the knots he had learned in the Navy.
Papa called the police on his smart phone and after tying the culprit to the Oak tree, left his Purple and Gold calling card…”GRANDPAMAN” and then hid nearby until the police arrived and apprehended the thief and his bag of the Chandler’s possessions.
His smile was very wide and satisfying the next morning as Papa read the local news describing a “foiled burglary” but the best part for him was that he was still the unidentified “GRANDPAMAN”

(Visit often for more of the continuing Adventures Of Grandpaman.)


THE GARDEN by Russ McKay

I was sitting at the edge of my garden, freshly weeded, recently watered, my still moist and glistening garden, when a voice in a very mild baritone said…”Nice garden, but it needs…more edibles, you know, vegitables…carrots and stuff!”
I looked around and there was no one there, as usual. I’m nearly always alone doing my gardening tasks. I looked again, scanning the dead leaves to the back, got to get to those …ah…tomorrow…but nothing…not even the usual birds were around the feeders. Age has its drawbacks, though it does provide a retiring way of life, still, there are moments when you’d trade for a, shall we call it, a sprightlier sensory system. This might have been one of those moments.
“Hey Bud…I’m talking to you!”
Not so rich and gentle a baritone this time, a bit, well…impudent sounding voice in my estimation. Scanning the entire garden…still nothing…then, I saw a slight movement of…the Irises, near the eastern edge…no…wait…there were…EARS…shaped like Irises but, grayish…and…if you can believe…FURRY!”
I looked around hoping none of my neighbors were watching my mental deterioration…I thought it happened slowly, over time, progressive…not all at once like this…
Then his head, an unusually large head, olive shaped eyes looking, unblinkingly straight at mine, this was the largest rabbit, or hare or whatever, I’d ever seen…or even heard about…well, except for Harvey, but of course he was imagin…I managed a weak, non baritoned”….hello….”
“That’s better….we animals HATE to be ignored…of course we hate to be chased, hunted, poisoned…well, you get the picture!”
“Ah…yes…well…I’d never really thought about it, ah, from YOUR angle I mean.”
“Yeah well, you’re hard to understand too…so I’ll give you that one . Anyhow, we’re gettin’ off of the subject…your garden….VEGITABLES!”
“Yes…and by the way…it’s spelled with three “E’s” no “I’s”…you missed one in the first paragraph too!”
“Did I…sorry! So how about it?”
“Well you know there’s not a lot of sun in the…MY….garden…so many trees.”
“You’ve got sun over there!” He pointed with his left ear.
“I…didn’t know you could do that!”
“Oh…point my ears?…That’s basic stuff! Did you know that we rabbits can SCREAM? ‘Though
we hate to do that, I mean REALLY hate to do that!”
“Yes actually I DID know that…but…I didn’t know you could talk…converse.”
“There’s a lot you don’t know buddy. I could tell you things about us that would curl your hare…get it? …HARE?”
He was chuckling now. “I kill myself when I do that….oops….wrong turn of phrase there!”
“Well I could TRY to help out with your…situation…I guess.”
“When? It takes at least four weeks to grow decent veg-E-tables!”
“You wouldn’t want me to tear up my beautiful grass would you?”
“Oh we eat grass too, although I like it a bit longer and for heaven’s sake, keep those “Chem Lawn” guys away…we can’t eat it for DAYS after they’ve been here!”
“Why don’t you just go to another garden…a VEGETABLE garden? I’m certain many of my neighbors have them.”
“Because you don’t have any cats…yuck!…or dogs…double yuck!!…and most of your neighbors do.”
“How about if I go to the market and buy you some carrots and bring them back and put them on the edge of the garden there for you?”
“Naw…not fresh…they lose a certain…piquancy….did you spell that right?”
“Yeah…I think so.”
“Good you’re learnin’…anyhow, I’ll give you two days to come up with a solution, otherwise I’ll come back and eat…EVERY flower in your garden…even though I hate the taste of most of those things you’re growin’ here…but I’ll do it!!!”
“I don’t see how I can….” But he was gone! The Irises rustling a bit… but… no sign of him ever being there.

(To be continued)


On her eighth birthday Lisa received a beautifully wrapped gift that was delivered by UPS. She wondered which of her relatives had sent her such a large, nicely wrapped package since there was no name or card or any way to identify where it came from or from whom it was sent!
She undid the fancy pink bow and opened the brightly colored birthday wrapping. Inside of the rather large rectangular box was a bright yellow rain slicker with black snaps and clamps that closed it in the front.
She tried it on and it fit perfectly! Whoever sent her this wonderful gift sure knew her exact size. Suddenly she heard a loud rumble of thunder outside and when she went to the window it was raining about as hard as she’d ever seen it rain!
“That’s odd! ” Lisa exclaimed…”It wasn’t raining a few seconds ago…in fact…the sunshine was so bright that I had to close the window curtains!”
Lisa went to the front door and opened it. It sure was raining hard out there. Water was running down the streets and along the gutters into the storm drains.
“This is perfect!” thought Lisa. “I can try out my new Birthday present!”
Lisa stepped outside and as she got to the walkway, suddenly, without warning, the rain abruptly stopped and the bright sun shone without a cloud in the sky! The rain had stopped so fast that her new yellow raincoat hadn’t even gotten wet!
She looked around and the grass was wet, the parked cars were wet, everything was wet except her new raincoat. “What a mystery!” thought Lisa.
When she went back into the house she removed her raincoat and hung it on the hook near the door.
The nexy day as Lisa got ready for school it started to rain. “Oh Good! Today I can wear my new raincoat to school and show all of my friends.”
She grabbed her lunch and saw the bus coming down the street, windshield wipers going and she thought… “My new raincoat is the same color as the school bus…what fun!”
The bus stopped and it’s red lights began to flash and Lisa went out of her door to run and get on…and once again, like before on her birthday, the rain abruptly stopped and the sun came out!
As Lisa climbed up the bus steps the driver said…”Hi Lisa…maybe you won’t need your raincoat after all today!”
“It…always seems to stop raining when I put it on and go outside!”
“Yeah…sometimes I bring my umbrella along to make sure that it won’t rain!” The driver laughed as Lisa made her way to her favorite seat and the bus drove off.
At the end of the school day it was still bright and sunny outside. Lisa grabbed her raincoat and the teacher Miss Brown said…”You won’t need that raincoat this afternoon Lisa…it’s a beautiful day outside.”
But Lisa decided that it was easier to wear her raincoat than to carry it along with her books. As she put the coat on she heard the rumble of thunder and, looking out through the school windows, she saw it start to rain.
“Oh my Lisa, I guess it IS a good thing that you brought your raincoat. It’s beginning to rain out there!”
“Yes Miss Brown.” Lisa walked down the hall and as she got outside onto the school steps, just like before, the rain stopped and the sun came out!
As she boarded her bus the driver said…”That raincoat of yours must be magic or something. It makes it stop raining whenever you wear it!”
“Well…actually…if I put it on when I’m inside it starts to rain. Then I go OUTside it stops!”
But the driver wasn’t listening and was closing the door, so Lisa made her way back to her seat, a very puzzled and confused young girl.
When she got home she went to the room where her Daddy was working on the computer.
Lisa was holding her new raincoat and said…”Daddy…Watch!”
She put the raincoat on and waited.
“Very nice….where did you get that pretty yellow raincoat?”
“It came by UPS. It was wrapped as a gift but I don’t know who sent it…but look outside…it wasn’t raining a minute ago was it?”
“No it wasn’t” Her father went to the window…”….and it still isn’t! I guess you don’t need that coat tonight huh?”
Lisa went to the window. Her Daddy was right it WASN’T raining! She took the coat off and put it back on three times, but no rain!
“You must really like that raincoat huh Lisa?”
“Ah…yes Daddy…it’s a pretty yellow, and it REALLY keeps me dry!”
“I’m sure whoever sent it will let us know sooner or later.”
Lisa tried on the coat four more times that night but it never did rain.
Then three days later when she woke up it was raining.
“It’s raining Lisa. You can wear your pretty new raincoat today!”
“Yes Daddy….I will.” She looked out of her bedroom window and sure enough it was raining. So after breakfast and after dressing for school she went to the door to wait for the bus and as it came down her street, she put on the coat and before she could open the door, the sun was streaming through the front windows.
“That’s strange…I’m not even outside yet and the rain has stopped.”
“I guess you won’t need your raincoat after all Lisa.” Her father said. So Lisa took off the coat and hung it on the hook by the door and left for school.
Once she got outside it started to pour again. So she ran to the bus and got on. “Crazy weather we’re having lately huh?” the bus driver said.
“Yeah…REAL crazy!”
Lisa thought that she was confused before…but now! “When I wear the coat inside it stops the rain now, but before, it stopped when I wore it outside!”
“What did you say Lisa?” the bus driver asked.
“Oh nothing…just about the weather.”
Over the next few weeks the weather seemed quite normal only raining at night when Lisa was asleep. The yellow raincoat stayed on the hook next to her Daddy’s raincoat the whole time. But then on the third Tuesday when Lisa woke up it was raining and thundering and was very windy too.
“You’ll need your raincoat today for sure Lisa!” her father told her.
Lisa slowly took the coat off of the hook and put it on. It was still raining. Then she went to the door and out onto the front steps…still raining. The MAGIC…was gone!
Lisa was relieved. She really wanted a normal raincoat to wear “IN THE RAIN”…and now she finally had one. She skipped up the walk, splashing the wet puddles on the walk with her new coat keeping her warm and dry underneath.
The weather report said that there was a large tropical storm coming through and it would be raining for two or even three more days.
“I have to go to the store Lisa, I’ll be right back!” Her Daddy grabbed his raincoat from the hook next to hers and put it on and as he walked outside…the rain suddenly stopped and the sun came out brightly shining and not a cloud in the sky!
As her Daddy started to head back into the house to put his raincoat back, Lisa quickly grabbed her yellow Birthday present off of the hook and hid it!
When her Daddy came in…”That’s strange! It’s supposed to rain for two more days!”
“Yes Daddy…VERY strange.” Lisa didn’t want her new raincoat to get anywhere near her Daddy’s coat now… let him have a Magic raincoat…it’s just too confusing for an eight year old and NOT any fun at all!!!



Little Melanie or “Melly” as her Grand Papa called her, was standing very still, peeking through the sliding glass door that led out to, and in from, the garden. She was watching her also very still “Papa” sitting at his computer. He was supposed to be writing one of his “Silly Grandpa” stories but hadn’t moved a finger the entire time that she had stood there watching him.
Finally she quietly slid open the door and tiptoed in behind him.”He must be deep in thought” she thought to herself as she got close enough to view the absolutely empty computer screen.
“Hi Papa!” she softly spoke, not wanting to startle her silly Grandpa.
She had to repeat “Hi” again and he finally lifted his head and turned it toward her with a smile.
“Oh…hey Melly…how’r you doin’?”
“Great…are you writing a new story today?”
“Well…I’m trying to…but I sort of ran out of any ideas.”
“Maybe I can help.”
He looked at her and started to slowly nod his head. “Well, just maybe you could Dear. Any ideas for a good story?”
“Not exactly…but I know what kind of stories that I’d like to read.”
“Oh…and what kind are they?”
“Well…happy ones. Nobody is sad and no one gets hurt and it has a very happy ending.”
“My…I’m not sure I’ve ever read a story like that before.”
“Well…neither have I and so…I think that you should write one. The first story of it’s kind Papa.”
“But kids like adventure and intrigue and overcoming evil and conquering bad stuff and twists and turns and….”
“Sorry to interrupt Papa…but the totally happy story would be a great change from all of those hero stories that are all different yet all the same.”
“Well…I tell you what!” …and then Papa got up from his chair and guided Melly into his seat in front of his computer keyboard…”Why don’t you write me one of your Happy stories!”
“Oh Papa….really…?”
“Absolutely …are you happy now?”
“Oh very very happy Papa…and you?”
“I’m happy too!”
So Melly and Papa were the happiest they had been in quite some time.
And this is the story that I wrote him.